
Something beginning with L..



   51 things I love  ♥ 

  1.  Hearing my children giggle.
  2. Messy hair, Red lipstick, eyeliner.
  3. Having a project... Making cake stands out of old vinyl, clocks out of record players, and paper flowers out of magazines, button bouquets...
  4. Taking photographs.
  5. Festivals.
  6. Finding little surprise 'I love you mummy' notes around the house from Dylan.
  7. Impromptu dance parties in the kitchen with my boys.
  8. Music.
  9. Vintage-ness.
  10. Big wine glasses (filled with wine)
  11. Laughter induced Tea spurting, and the friends that make me do this.
  12. Getting Parcels in the post.
  13. Brighton.
  14. Being Mrs Reid.
  15. Stu-pots mental dancing.
  16. The way my brother says "thank you very much" like Elvis.
  17. The way my mum says 'penguin' and 'orangutan'
  18. Picnics in hampers.
  19. Converse.
  20. Skinny jeans.
  21. Starbucks skinny latte with an extra shot to takeaway.
  22. Being with the people I love most in the world.
  23. Giving people I love presents.
  24. Tattoos.
  25. Birthdays. (Doesn't have to be mine..any ones!)
  26. The Hawley Arms in Camden... Camden market... Maybe just Camden.
  27. Moustaches. (obsession!...wearing stick on ones..moustaches on sticks)
  28. Weddings.
  29. Watching films outdoors.
  30. My welly boots.
  31. Stu's hairy face.
  32. My children's bare feet.
  33. My funny, silly, brilliant friends, and spending time in their company.
  34. Wearing geek glasses.
  35. The seaside
  36. Barbeques
  37. Nice packaging. (sucker!)
  38. Weekends.
  39. Shopping.
  40. People who laugh out loud at something when alone on the train.
  41. Accessories!
  42. Eskimo kisses with my boys.
  43. Stu's stubbly beard on my face.
  44. Finding white feathers in unexpected places and telling my kids it's their guardian angel.
  45. The 6 yr old boy skidding into our room shouting "THE TOOTH FAIRY HAS BEEEEEEEN"!
  46. Feeling inspired.
  47. Reading books so good that you don't want them to end.
  48. Trash mags.
  49. The smell of babies.
  50. My beautiful Family.
  51. Clever doctors who can make people better.

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