
goodbye 365 Project.... I Think I'm actually gonna miss you.

So, Three Hundred and Sixty Five loooo-ng days ago, I started a 365 photography project. And this little blog. (Happy Birthday to us.)
The plan was to take a photograph of anything (I wasn't about to limit myself!) every single day for a year.
I had just got my first DSLR, and wanted to throw myself sideways into the world of Photography, I wanted to learn all there was to learn, and to document a year of my life in Pictures.
I wanted to be better.
I was of the opinion that there is no better way to learn than to just do it, and do it again...and again...and again.

Am I glad I did It? Would I recommend it? Did I love it?
Yes. Yes and Yes*
*but there were definitely days (you know the ones) where I really didn't feel like taking photos. More of that later.

I just wanted to take a minute to say a big HUGE thank you to everybody who has had a lovely word to say about my photographs, to those of you that have taken some time to read/look at the pictures on /stare blankly at the screen of/* (delete as appropriate) my little blog, to those that send me kind emails, and to all the lovely people who encouraged and supported me on this little journey.
 (Blimey. This is starting to sound like an Oscar acceptance speech...O_O)
Let's stop there before I start boo-ing! :" But THANK you lovely people.
Without you, I may not have made it past day...oooh.... 30?? And I'm really glad I did.

This year has been quite a year.
Sometimes, taking photographs seemed like the least important thing in the world, and I may have wanted to put my camera down.
There. I said it.
There were definitely days when I didn't feel like blogging, or editing, or the pressure of producing something I could be proud of and posting for all to see. There were times that I felt like what I was doing was not important, compared to other MUCH more important things that were happening at the time.
Ultimately, The project became a little outlet for me. Something to throw myself into, rain or shine.
Maybe even a little bit of therapy in places. Sorry about that. :)

It became obvious that I have a little obsession with Feet, Sunbursts, The Sky...My children...
Photographing people in front of random walls....Insects, animals.....Laughter, Moustaches, Beards.....

I'm quite surprised that my boys will let me anywhere near them with a camera anymore, after a year of having one pointed in their faces at all times, but I think that they have come to terms with the fact that a camera is growing out of my hand, now.
They couldn't have been photographed more if they were paparazzi stalked celebrities.
And I'm of the opinion that the project wouldn't have been half as nice to look at without their beautiful faces in it.
Besides kids like dressing up as reindeer's with twigs on their head, or jumping in the air with guitars..
They DO. :)

The neighbours must think I am insane, having witnessed me:
1) Lying down on my tummy in the road to take shots of Lightning McQueen on double yellows.
2) Getting soaked in the school car park taking photos of puddles with rubber ducks in them.
3.) On my knees in the road (again!) one morning photographing a patch of petrol.
4.) Crouched in front of fences taking shots of a spiderweb.
5.) Standing on a wall soaking wet outside in lightning. (You KNOW what I was trying to do-
They don't.)

This project has taught me lots of things.

Appreciate the small stuff.
Be brave.
See the world in a different way.
Follow your dreams.
It's okay to make mistakes.
Don't give up.
Just Do It. (classic.)


I'm banking on this one....

Come back soon, and don't go forgetting about me now, as there will be a new project just as soon as I draw breath from this one.
Let's call it a week.  :) X

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! I have to say I'm excited for mine to end although I am planning on what project to do next! haha such a hypocrite! I'm so glad to have found yours and to see your photos everyday, it's been lovely :) Can't wait to see the next one! xx


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